Essay Instructions: Write 10 page term paper on “Medical Marijuana” in the form of a prepared testimony for a mock legislative body dealing with a proposal (hypothetical) piece of legislation. You must present the bill and follow sections I to V.
I.) Statement of the dilemmed controversy
II.) Arguements in Favor of the Bill as it is worded
III.) Arguements in opposition to the bill as it is worded
IV.) Personal viewpoint
V.) Bibliography – MLA reference (see discription on preveious page)
“Medical Marjiuana” is the use of marijuana for medical purposes. There is legal aspects with some people (your viewpoint) believing that it is good and others beleiveing it isn’t good. Personally, I believe it is needed if someone has cancer and is in alot of pain. It is not a good idea, when it is just for personal pleasure, for example, in Amsterdam. Any Questions you can email me!
I would like the term paper to consist of 10 pages and 1 page of a biblography (MLA) format, see information sheet. Include the Bill! Total 11 pages. On the written presentation, write 1 page. The grand total of pages would be 12 pages.
Term Paper and Reference Material Requirements
Your written testimony (the term paper) is to be in the form of prepared testimony for a mock
legislative body dealing with a proposed (hypothetical) piece of legislation. The focus of this
legislation is on Medical Marijuana. The specific bill will be on Medical Marijuana. Your written testimony (term paper) will be prepared in reaction to the bill.
The focus of the legislation you propose must deal with a real, current PROBLEM/DILEMMA facing society that involves the natural sciences (life, physical, medical, etc.) and which is controversial (i.e. has two legitimate opposing sides to the problem/dilemma both of which are supported in the literature by accepted experts. While you may introduce other facets (moral, legal, political, economic etc.) the central focus must be in the natural sciences (Ideas of past topics are given at the end.) Each side in the controversy must be about equally supported in the literature by established scientific authorities.
Your testimony (term paper) must consist of five separate sections:
(Each section must be clearly separated from the others and both numbered and identified with its own heading such as: "I. Statement of the Dilemma" or "I. Statement of the Central Issue(s)"; "II. Arguments in Favor of the Bill", etc.)
I. Statement of the Dilemma/Controversy(A clear statement of what the two sides of this controversy are.What is at the “heart” of this problem/dilemma as you see it? This may NOT be giving the text of the bill. The text of the bill should be given on the cover page just under the title of your paper. You have heard the saying about “being caught between a rock and a hard place.” In this section you are to be explaining what the “rock” and what the “hard place” are for a legislator being forced to take a position on this controversy.)
II. Arguments in Favor of the Bill As it is Worded(An objective presentation of arguments in favor of the bill as written. Reasons must be given. These must be backed up with documented support from experts in the area. Documentation details will be found under “Bibliography”, “Footnotes”, and “Reference Materials” below.)
III. Arguments in Opposition to the Bill As it is Worded(An objective presentation of arguments in opposition to the bill as written. Reasons must be given. These must be backed up with documented support from experts in the area. Documentation details will be found under “Bibliography”, “Footnotes”, and “Reference Materials” below.)
IV. Personal Viewpoint(In this section you give your own viewpoint or position on the bill and your reasons for this conclusion. You must give reasons for this. These reasons may or may not include ones given in Sections II. or III. Since this is your own opinion, no documentation is required unless you quote experts not given earlier.)
V. Bibliography [Every fact and opinion that is not your own original creation (read or seen on TV, the internet, some database or obtained in personal conversation from another individual) must be completely documented. You must also include complete directions for me to locate the same source easily (what shelf on what floor of what library, or what computer in what library using what database or search engine, address or telephone number to obtain a copy of the TV show, etc.).
The term paper must be at least four single spaced typewritten pages of text NOT including MLA references contained within the paper, footnotes or “Section V. Bibliography” with a maximum of one inch margins and using a font size of 12 and Times New Roman font. No double or triple spacing, no use of wider margins and no spaces between sections. 10 pt. deduction for each page less. See next section on “Referencing”.
Referencing All sources and references must be completely documented and referenced in a standard format. Footnotesshould be identified by a simple superscripted number and listed at the end of your written text. These are not to be counted as part of your minimum number of pages. Should you choose to either place your footnotes at the bottom of each individual page or include them in the body of your text (MLA), you must increase the minimum length of your text (Sections I, II, III, & IV) by the same number of lines. In other words, the minimum length of text is four pages as defined above plus the number of lines used for footnoting on those pages of text. MLA accepted alternative.
REFERENCE MATERIALS All handwritten first drafts, notecards containing reference materials or photocopies of the reference materials themselves and any other items that give clear evidence that you actually are the author of the “term paper” submitted needs to be turned in along with the paper. Any 'term paper" submitted without such ancillary evidence of authorship will be deemed unacceptable and a grade of "0" will be awarded. No more than one half of your references may come from the internet. A minimum of one half of your references must be physically obtained in a library (books, journals, magazines, newspapers, or databases available only in that library). The exact location of each of these sources in that library must be given in order to expedite the location of them.
Your oral presentation will be carried out as part of the class "Mock Hearings". You will be presenting the testimony prepared in II above.